Check Browser Permissions
The most likely cause for this error is that you may need to allow your browser to access your microphone and camera. You can do that by clicking on the lock icon to the left of the URL and setting both camera and microphone settings to Allow:
You should do a hard refresh in order for the new settings to take effect. (Hard refresh your browser: Shift + Command + R on a Mac, or Shift + Control + R on a PC when the browser is selected.)
Close Other Tools
If you continue to see this error, it could be because another device is trying to access your camera and/or microphone, and that’s preventing the Imperative app from accessing it. Please close all other windows and apps which might be trying to use either device, such as Teams, Slack, Zoom, or Skype.
Contact Support
If you’re still seeing the error persist after following these instructions, please reach out to [email protected] for further assistance.